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Date : 2006-12-28
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William Shakespeare Wikipedia ~ William Shakespeare bapt 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616 was an English poet playwright and actor widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds greatest dramatist He is often called Englands national poet and the Bard of Avon or simply the Bard
William Shakespeare Facts Life Plays Britannica ~ William Shakespeare English dramatist poet and actor considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time No writer’s living reputation can compare to that of Shakespeare whose notable plays included the tragedies Romeo and Juliet Hamlet King Lear Macbeth and Othello He was also known for his sonnets
William Shakespeare Plays Quotes Poems Biography ~ William Shakespeare was an English poet playwright and actor of the Renaissance era He was an important member of the King’s Men company of theatrical players from roughly 1594 onward
William Shakespeare Who is Shakespeare ~ Who is Shakespeare William Shakespeare is one of if not the most well known theater writers He wrote many poems sonnets and plays Some of his more famous plays are Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar and Hamlet He was alive from 15621616 but 90 of all American high school students still today study his work
Who was William Shakespeare Egypt Today ~ CAIRO – 23 April 2018 William Shakespeare is perhaps the most famous author who ever lived across any language It is Shakespeare who gave us “Romeo Juliet” “Hamlet” and countless other classic stories influencing entire generations of famous writers in turn Yet not many people know the story behind the life of the man himself
William Shakespeare Biography A Biography Of Shakespeare ~ Shakespeare was the third of the eight children born to John and Mary Shakespeare of StratforduponAvon on April 23rd 1564 John Shakespeare ran his own business as a glove maker and a wool dealer He held local public positions and was a bailiff like a mayor in the town council After 1567 it is alleged that he was in financial difficulties
Who Was William Shakespeare by Celeste Davidson Mannis ~ The book “Who Was William Shakespeare” by Celeste Davidson Mannis is a good book that was pretty entertaining and had some good information on William Shakespeare The book talks about how William was an actor and theater owner What he’s known for is having one of the greatest playwrights of all time which is “Romeo and Juliet”
Life of William Shakespeare Wikipedia ~ William Shakespeare was an actor playwright poet and theatre entrepreneur in London during the late Elizabethan and early Jacobean eras He was baptised on 26 April 1564 a in StratforduponAvon in Warwickshire England in the Holy Trinity Church
William Shakespeare Biography ~ An Introduction William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet playwright and actor born in 1564 in StratforduponAvon His birthday is most commonly celebrated on 23 April see When was Shakespeare born which is also believed to be the date he died in 1616
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