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Date : 2003-02-24
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turtle Species Classification Facts Britannica ~ Turtle order Testudines any reptile with a body encased in a bony shell including tortoises Although numerous animals from invertebrates to mammals have evolved shells none has an architecture like that of turtles The turtle shell has a top carapace and a bottom plastron
Turtle Wikipedia ~ Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines characterized by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield Turtle may refer to the order as a whole American English or to freshwater and seadwelling testudines British English
Turtle Facts Live Science ~ Turtles are reptiles with hard shells that protect them from predators They are among the oldest and most primitive groups of reptiles having evolved millions of years ago Turtles live all
Turtles VDGIF ~ Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries staff do not come to your home or property to pick upremoverelocate turtles It is illegal to relocate or liberate turtles in Virginia 4VAC153010 If you see a turtle in your yard even if you are not near water this is not something to be alarmed about
Turtle Facts Worksheets HabitatSpecies Information ~ Turtles are reptiles of the order Chelonii or Testudines and are characterised by a special bony shell which is developed from their ribs and acts as a shield against predators Turtles date back around 220 million years making it one of the oldest reptile groups older than lizards snakes or crocodiles
10 Facts About Turtles and Tortoises ~ Depending on species turtles and tortoises lay anywhere from 20 to 200 eggs at a time One outlier is the eastern box tortoise which lays only three to eight eggs at once The female digs a hole in a patch of sand and soil deposits her clutch of soft leathery eggs and then promptly ambles away
Wild Virginia ~ The Wood Turtle was named one of the nation’s Top 10 Species in Need of Protection by the Endangered Species Coalition Click here to see the December 17 2008 Press Release announcing this dubious honor Visit the Endangered Species Coalition website to read more about the nine other needy species For many years Wild Virginia has worked to protect the wood turtle
Pet Turtle Tortoise Types PetSmart ~ Did you know there many types of turtles and tortoises Heres how to choose the right species for you
Turtle Store Buy Turtles Online Turtle Accessories ~ Whether you are looking for turtle accessories or you want to buy a turtle online My Turtle Store has you covered Shop with us for all things turtles
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