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Ferdinand Magellan Wikipedia ~ Ferdinand Magellan məˈɡɛlən or məˈdʒɛlən Portuguese Fernão de Magalhães IPA fɨɾˈnɐ̃w dɨ mɐɣɐˈʎɐ̃jʃ Spanish Fernando de Magallanes IPA feɾˈnando ðe maɣaˈʎanes c 1480 – 27 April 1521 was a Portuguese explorer who organised the Spanish expedition to the East Indies from 1519 to 1522
Ferdinand Magellan Biography Voyage Discoveries Death ~ Ferdinand Magellan is best known for being an explorer for Portugal and later Spain who discovered the Strait of Magellan while leading the first expedition to successfully circumnavigate the globe He died en route and Juan Sebastián del Cano completed it
Ferdinand Magellan Route Facts Death Biography ~ Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal circa 1480 As a boy he studied mapmaking and navigation By his mid20s he was sailing in large fleets and was engaged in combat In 1519 with the support of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Magellan set out to find a better route to the Spice Islands
Biography of Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese Explorer ~ Ferdinand Magellan February 3 1480–April 27 1521 a Portuguese explorer set sail in September 1519 with a fleet of five Spanish ships in an attempt to find the Spice Islands by heading west Although Magellan died during the journey he is credited with the first circumnavigation of the Earth
Ferdinand Magellan Facts Biography Live Science ~ Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe Like many of his contemporaries Magellan set out to discover a Western sea route to the Spice Islands in Indonesia
Ferdinand Magellan Ages of Exploration ~ Biography Early Life Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in Portugal the exact city is unknown Many believe it was either Porto or Sabrosa Ferdinand Magellan is the English version of his name In Portuguese his name is Fernão de Magalhães He came from a noble family His father was Rui de Magalhães and Alda de Mesquita
Ferdinand Magellan Biography life parents school ~ Ferdinand Magellan was born in Oporto Portugal in 1480 His parents were members of the Portuguese nobility and the young Magellan found himself in the service of royalty at an early age He was only twelve when he began serving the queen of Portugal as a page a position of employment for youths in royal courts
Explorers for Kids Ferdinand Magellan ~ Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail all the way around the world He also discovered a passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean that is today called the Straits of Magellan Growing Up Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in northern Portugal He grew up in a wealthy family and served as a page in the royal court
Navigator Ferdinand Magellan killed in the Philippines ~ Navigator Ferdinand Magellan killed in the Philippines After traveling threequarters of the way around the globe Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan is killed during a tribal skirmish on Mactan Island in the Philippines Earlier in the month his ships had dropped anchor at the Philippine island of Cebu
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